Wednesday, December 29, 2010

To Ask For A Favour, Better Wording

Happy New Year 2011

Auguro a tutti voi amici e lettori e a tutti quanti mi conoscono

Un augurio di Buon Anno e felice 2011

Monday, December 27, 2010

Boobs Showing Indian Women

asks a gull

my sister's birthday.
I've seen little one and reached for her time to build a future.
For as you are putting things in this country, I thought, will not be easy.

I thought outside the restaurant where we celebrated, I had a small camera in hand.
I was on the beach, it rained water subtle but pulled a great wind. Announced a storm slap.
In the distance, towards the dock of the Navy, there was a group of seagulls.
With what was coming, they wallowed in peace.

If I could give something to my sister, I wanted one for her.

Feeling at home, in the whistling wind.

Over the gulls, the sign of the hotel Italy completed the picture.

What do you ask the seagull, the storm.

Cover Letter As Nurse Trainee

January 2011: the background of the month

Desktop Wallpaper for 1024 x 768 pixels
"Dogs believe they be men.
Cats are believed to be God "

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Fast Progressing Frontal

Merry Christmas and Happy 2011! In my basement

...ovviamente in compagnia delle mie foto ;)
(wallpaper desktop 1024 x 768 pixel)

Monday, December 20, 2010

Diabetes Macular Degeneration

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all

Ehhh lo sapevo che non dovevo volare troppo in alto!!!!

Auguroni a tutti


Thursday, December 9, 2010

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discovered the gene for ALS

Una ricerca italo-americana ha messo in luce il coinvolgimento di un nuovo gene nell'insorgenza della Sclerosi laterale amiotrofica. Si tratta del gene VCP (Valosin Containing Protein), which is located on chromosome 9.
The study, published in the journal Neuron, and that will be discussed at the next World Congress on the SLA to be held in Orlando these days, was made possible through the collaboration of four research centers: the Center of the Department of ALS Neuroscience University of Turin and the Turin Molinette Hospital (coordinated by Professor Adriano Chio), the Laboratory of Neurogenetics NIH, Bethesda - USA (coordinated by Professor Bryan Traynor), the ALS Center at the University Hospital of Modena ( coordinated by Dr Jessica Mandrioli) and the molecular genetics laboratory of the OIRM Sant'Anna Hospital (directed by Dr. Gabriella Restagno).
The discovery was made possible through the use of revolutionary new technology of ESOMAR, thanks to which it is possible that part of the entire DNA sequence coding for the proteins . The technique has been used for the first time in studies of ALS. The new gene was already known as the cause of another neurological disease (frontotemporal dementia associated with inclusion body myositis and in Paget's disease), but above all, besides being the cause of Lou Gehrig's disease (now famous name in the field sports), is the first gene found to interfere with the process of accumulation of proteins anormali nelle cellule nervose. Infatti i motoneuroni nella Sla muoiono per accumulo di tali proteine aberranti. La scoperta di questo nuovo gene rappresenta pertanto una svolta fondamentale per la comprensione di questa terribile patologia ed offre prospettive per l’identificazione di terapie per il suo trattamento.

Fonte per questo post


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Brazilian Bikini Mpeg

Birre... ...queste purtroppo sono già tutte bevute!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

I Need A Sample Of Application

An excellent all George Benson A bitter to listen

Uno dei più raffinati ed eleganti chitarristi nel panorama Jazz e Hits. Qui in una famosa interpretazione che ebbe molto successo: " Give me The Night "

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

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The bitter medicinal Giuliani

helps digestion, especially in the restaurant, and can stimulate appetite. He also
the function of a laxative, but only when taken in front of the TV watching the TG4.
The correct amount is provided for the evacuation of stools
Take preferably at night but being careful not to exceed with the doses: bruising under his right eye and a state of mental confusion are the consequences of an overdose, screen headed by acute abdominal pain.
E 'can interview escort staff, but were reported missing episodes of significant intervention in a restaurant in Milan, well, rather, of Milan to drink, with lots of players, facial tissues and directors have enjoyed the show.

Signs Of A Bad Pedicure

Qua e là in giro per casa...

Lampada e mobiletto etnico
con sfondo di girasoli in wall stickers

Papyrus and other curious details .

brick archway Dreamcatcher .

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ski Doo Tundra Minnesota

Unusual Angles in Milan ...

"He" and "she" to the Parco Sempione.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Where To Buy White Cotton Gloves Toronto


From the station to the barn was about ten minutes, the step of Faith.

When I was something more, but stretched to keep up.

We work hard in the head, at that time. So sometimes we went in silence.
This time, however, he speaks.
They make a feast, he says, from its parts. You should see how crazy people out.
They all year to build huge sets, invent jalopy, redo costumes.

E 'a prize, says Faith, only done with fuses, and already in itself is fun.

The best part is, however, this sort of dance scenes in time, where each district fits these machines and cardboard sheets and scenes of the season with scotch, running in the stadium not to stay within the timing.

says that if he were making a documentary, he would do on that.

on what takes a lot of people together, and make use of their time and energy without a shadow of a reward.
The sense of belonging that makes this festival, which these days is no small thing.

Those times were seven years ago. Have changed stations, destinations, people.

Faith and I are still going, and even the Palio has grown.

The title is still provisional, but we like the Palio find.

for me and Faith, is a new kind of sacrifice offered to the God of the documentary,
in the hope that it continues to accompany us.

Add the link to the trailer, we made a longer and more interesting, we put up soon too.

The most beautiful summary of the whole story, as usual, is the text of a message of Ale.

Together, what a beautiful word.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Blurred Visionand Tingling Fingers

Calendar 2011: "Cats"

Like ' last year here's my new calendar !

By popular demand are the cats year's theme ...

A photo accompanied by an aphorism feline
for each month of the year.

Click below to
to download a PDF version to print:

2011-Simo75.pdf (20 MB)
Or check out the preview on Google docs: LINK

's FREE!
But if you want to choose the price ...

you like to create yourself on your calendar:

here version vector used by me and fully customizable built in Corel Draw 9

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Jersey City Has Lots Of Gays

meeting in November, the month preventing cardiovascular disease in women. From

November, the month dedicated entirely to the hearts of women. E 450 pharmacies open to advice and controls for the prevention of cardiovascular disease in women. The network of pharmacies' Apoteca Nature ', specializing in natural health, organized by the Centre national women's health (Wave) campaign' We care about the heart of donne', che punta sia sull'informazione che su screening e raccolta dati.
I 'numeri' indicano che le malattie cardiovascolari, sottolinea una nota, non sono più soltanto un problema maschile e stanno diventando una delle principali cause della mortalità femminile. Secondo gli organizzatori dell'iniziativa, diventa dunque fondamentale sensibilizzare le italiane informandole sulle corrette strategie di prevenzione, specialmente tra i 35 e i 50 anni. Le farmacie 'Apoteca Natura' proporranno alle donne consigli, informazioni e controlli, attraverso materiale informativo messo a punto dagli esperti di Onda.
Inoltre, ogni martedì mattina del mese (9-16-13-30 novembre 2010) sarà possibile effettuare nelle farmacie del network, con prenotazione, la misurazione gratuita di parametri fondamentali per monitorare i livelli di rischio di malattie cardiovascolari: pressione, indice massa corporea, girovita, peso, colesterolo. Per informazioni sulle farmacie convenzionate in ogni Regione: , . "Onda - spiega la presidente dell'osservatorio, Francesca Merzagora – offre nel 2010 il proprio patrocinio dell'iniziativa e una targa annuale che Apoteca Natura darà a a sua volta alle proprie farmacie perché 'amiche delle donne'".

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malpractice system to be

6000 persone al giorno muoiono per mancanza di acqua drinking.

6000 per day, not year.
We must continue to give incontrovertible for this state of affairs?
I refuse, not to cleanse the conscience, but as a person who rejects this state of affairs.
choices made so far by govermi world are in an arms race with the annual costs up to 100 times compared to those intended to aid the peoples of the Third World.
in the ancient world who was the debtor was forced to become a slave to pay off their debts. Today, things are getting worse, entire countries are forced to give their domestic product to multinational corporations and financial world, at best provide virtually free labor to these multinationals. Since debtors
can not ask for anything in return, not even a well to quench the thirst of villages scattered throughout their territory.
And that's what it was malpractice, the squandering of our riches, today has become the system. A system that exploits and enslaves Third World populations in our favor, even for a few characters.
The problem is, I think, that from this situation that is difficult to come out with their forces. It 's a no life, there is no gap, because capitalism has now taken all that was possible to invade. The only appeals on behalf of these populations are made by some of us, perhaps for the sake of piety or a green ideology. They seem almost religious proclamations. But where shall we go
then end up with this civilization of super profits?


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Period Late Lots Of Cervical Mucus

HOME, a film aware. Diventalo you too ... The colors of autumn

20% of the population consumes 80% of all resources of the planet, more than half of the forests have disappeared to make way for agriculture and livestock, water is a shared increasingly rare and valuable.
The fragile balance between the vegetable and animal world and among the various elements that make up life, formed 4 billion in years appears to have been compromised by human activity. We
perhaps only 10 years to change our lifestyles to avoid the exhaustion of all natural resources and prevent the catastrophic evolution of the earth's climate. A joint effort is making, it is consumers, but conscious and responsible.
How? Meanwhile, watching and spreading this beautiful documentary film by the great photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand.

Enjoy ...

- The entire Italian film in HD (1280 x 720 pixels) -

For more information reference to official site:

Monday, November 1, 2010

How To Get Fair Skinhome Made


not talk about my use of industrial policy, no expert, but I read the newspapers and try to stay informed. But I can not help but, after the last chief executive FIAT hallucinatory statements, and certainly all agree that members of his staff, on the Italian plants, their alleged losses, the workers forced to shift out of the inhuman laws and contracts . Its sales are collapsing
dear administrator, his reputation came under the feet of all of us and knows why? He offended all
Italians, has offended his workers and the unions that represent them.
You see sir, the workers can not do as you can not drive the stock market, making statements blackmail, they can only protest, dignified, very dignified. May dismiss a strike and protest in the streets. They do it on Saturday or Sunday sir, not to stop production, days that they should devote to their families and their children. But they know that without that protest, that voice choir, she did not hear them.
sales are plummeting, especially in Italy, because she is annoying us, because without the benefit of our potential customers, she would not be able to make a profit, despite you pay his workers with starvation wages.
Where do all that money?
With what money she went shopping in America and built factories in Eastern Europe?
But you know who is producing a car of absolute mediocrity? That its assistance is of the take it or leave it?
The workers have nothing to do all this, much less the workers of its suppliers, squeezed by the prices you set.
I also wonder why his is the only industry that wants to leave Europe, when all other car manufacturers remain and, indeed, the Japanese brands are here to produce. Maybe labor is more professional? Perhaps working with more awareness? Maybe they work? Si ponga queste domande prima di dire che noi italiani siamo una palla al piede. Altrimenti sciò, via, se ne vada. Ma non faccia piagnistei se non riesce a vendere le sue mediocri auto.

Doriana, proprietaria di una FIAT Nuova Punto, orgogliosa che l'abbiano costruita operai italiani.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Acronis Install Problem

Where did heroin?

Non ho più visto o sentito, da almeno un paio d'anni, una trasmissione, una notiziario, una sola notizia che parli dell'eroina, qusto maledetto flagello che colpisce tutta la popolazione, prima di tutto i giovani.
Oggi chi fa consumo di eroina in modo sistematico sono circa 95.000 ( fonte Ce.S.Da) e si prevede nei prossimi tre anni che il numero rise to 160,000.
The total number of people who use alcohol and drugs of any kind is about 4,000,000 individuals.
The estimates cited are based on the quantities of drugs seized (interior ministry source) and the guys that exist at various SERT.
A full-scale social unrest, the worst, because it involves mainly the young population.
On the other hand, cocaine continues to be a joke, or even making jokes so stupid and totally ineffective populist measures are taken such as "control over the ladies."
smoke and mirrors, disinformation, hide the problem, while boys are more and more use of these substances as amphetamine and methamphetamine.
Another phenomenon is an exponential increase in the use and abuse of what are called new drugs or a cocktail of these, especially on the Internet affordable and low cost.
There are no statistics in Italy are worthy of note, hospital admissions for use and abuse of hard drugs.

what I would like to emphasize, however, is that prevention work that was done first in schools, jobs, the television news, commercials and government in all places all health care is now completely gone. Everything is silent, like AIDS, which is already a post I published.
We also realize that the spread of AIDS is still very strong among eroinodipendenti.
With this post I want to alert the reader that the problem is not solved, but rather is expected to increase it.

Dear Health Minister, perhaps I should call to holiness, because with a sponge has eliminated the problem by dropping a deafening silence on the population.
His voters will sleep soundly, but their children may not.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

New Projector Boxxi Box

Here comes the cold, the leaves fall,
we holed up at home ...

season will also be a "sad" but when they
see colors like that?

Friday, October 1, 2010

Kates Playground Uncensored Gallery


The mark of the barbarian invasions, premiered on Republic Video, is already here.

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new invasion

Tonight at 9 airs the first episode of the / The Barbarian Invasions Daria Bignardi.

Gipi The letters are signed, and the other that I never remember the name.
The promo that is going on the air for about ten days, with the ship in the storm.

E 'was a great experience and I like the work.

Sure, you can always do better. The next time I commit myself more, I promise.

Now, although I do not understand why, I'm a bit stanchetto.


another animazione per Il Fatto quotidiano, che si trova qui

e anche qui sotto

Fra un pò le altre novità.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Setting Scanner Comic

3:09 pm ... it's officially fall!

Chestnuts last year ... A
when a new chestnut?

Monday, September 13, 2010 Lohri

Cornelius, a dip in the Middle Ages! What

Traditional flavors

Veduta del borgo

Scena durante il palio del 12/09/10

La piazza dell'antico castello medievale

Corneliano Bertario (Truccazzano - MI)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

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sea! That water! How wonderful! The Bay of Silence

Peccato che a Settembre per tanti come me,
è ormai solo un lontano ricordo...