Monday, February 28, 2011

Myasthenia Gravis More Condition_treatment


Afghanistan: blows another armored Italian model "Lynx" . Hey, the Taliban, do you like to win easy?
Berlusconi: "The staff of Napolitano too picky about our laws" . He headed toward the particular importance as the marginal ... Democracy and the Constitution.
Primary Pd, candidate for mayor of Turin a young emerging: that Piero Fassino
According to a English study in the Mediterranean increased by 20 cm in 10 years. ready cannot of the Villa Certosa and follow the new rules of the House Plan.
thieves ran away during attempted robbery at the house of Polverini . Too many photos of the President of the Region scattered around the house.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Name Change Affidavit India

School Attack!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dango Daikazoku Guitar

Palimpsest near future

With the return of the slain in Ferrara Rai continues moves to contain the cultural dominance of the left, a left-predominant TG3 plays with a hitch that has the ... ... of the towing hitch that has? Boh, oh well ... and with all other programs to share samples, again all on RAI 3, Geo & Geo, a place in the sun ...

The straw that broke the camel must feel to see the poor La Russa was pilloried by the ruthlessness with treacherous and smooth movements of Fazio.
A cowardly ambush that must have decided the otherwise mild and moderate Berlusconi.

But it will not stop this. Once set up the Dual, the one-two-Minz Ferrara, other initiatives are under consideration.

There is talk of a daily program on RAI-2 that will start immediately after the Tg up to midnight, conducted by the bishop of Grosseto, Bishop Babini, those who denounce the allegations as to the pedophile priests were a Zionist campaign, or who claimed to be Islam "a just punishment of the Lord in front of our laziness of Christians who do not know to defend our identity religious, or even that, with regard to homosexuals, said: "A subject that makes me shudder to talk," calling homosexuality "abhorrent" and "an unnatural vice."

The transmission will be called "Torquemada" and place as a seat of the Holy Inquisition live, with phones and mobiles.

will select some heretics, witches or suppositories Assorted or blasphemous. The study is the meticulous reconstruction of a basement of the convent of Santa Cruz in Segovia, with all the instruments of torture in the past, face the cage with live mice to the Virgin of Nuremberg, or dislocate his arms to the press.

In the spectacular environment, which will have nothing to envy to the models of Vespa, the contestants will be subjected to rigorous questioning by a panel of VIP, assisted by real killers Balkan and former Argentine general (the latter for an agreement with the natives viewers ) and must withstand the physical demands as much as possible before admitting their faults and we will also be a mechanism in part, a sort of bonus that can acquire real or alleged complicity in calling their accomplices or supporters, with links to studies and special envoys provided with whips, clamps and assorted hot irons to start with a nice truck "memento mori" painted in black and gold, for questioning at the home of Lightning reported.

Particularly appealing are the sessions in the confessional, electrified on chairs or hanging from the ceiling. Who will be eliminated from the TV voting will be eliminated in all respects, with only one option available to date sfangarla and be imprisoned for life in a makeshift camp host, the Judgement of God

The competitor may in fact, extreme chance, face suplizio a choice : To be tied in a sack with a millstone and thrown into the water (be prepared for that purpose in terms of underwater HD, Dolby 3D senssurround) or will swallow molten lead and survive, or timeless piece de résistance, walking barefoot for 300 meters across the coals, smiling and singing songs Apicella.

Other television projects include a version of "Who has Viewed" where, thanks to anonymous whistleblowers, it tries to locate the graffiti artist who once wrote bad things about Berlusconi, or who, protected by the cowardly crowd, he shouted bad words at the government or even more simply, subscribers to the Republic, Espresso and everyday occurrence. Other

transmission site is "We're making history," which highlights historical events will be revisited in the light of history finally separated from the outdated Marxist. David Irving, assisted by young graduates in history at the University of Don Verzè (courses flash of only 10 months) strorico reveal the origins of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, bringing to reality, their undoubted merits, will show that it is not true that 6 million Jews died in concentration camps, only that they were hidden to make a scherzino to Kapo and still no one has told them that the war is over. An expanded version of, say, the Japanese islands in the Pacific.

Another counter-investigation will clarify the background of the adventure of the Thousand, to reveal to the public without actually Garibaldi had promised the restoration of a brother near Selinunte Baglio had inherited from an elderly Republican of Nice, but the practical the release of the renovation works had been stalled at the technical office of Calatafimi, one thing leads and Finel situation got out of hand, as we have seen.

Finally, for fans of science could not miss the controaltare to the relativistic transmission Bolshevik nepotistic behavior from that of Piero Angela.

John Cacioppo, suitably re-educated to remove those last remnants of scientific consistency, will guide viewers to the good side of science, facts and figures showing how absurd it is still argue that we men can have nothing to do with the stupid and vicious monkeys.
Or how in the evidence of all that is the sun, which revolves around the head, and not vice versa, we were we, in turn, voleremmo away, no? and then, 'What is that the earth is round, but please ...

Glycerine Soap And Acne

beyond belief!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Elektro Tortur Men Vidoe


Maestre wash with soap the mouth of a student who curses. For the second quarter provided some sessions of exorcism.
The Br threatened former leaders of the Red Cross . And I thought that I shoot on the Red Cross was only a manner of speaking.
In England, the book comes out "Where is my brother" , in which Jesus heals gays. Or at least move him a headache.

Jesse Jane Streaming Free

Forecasts. Thought

Has Anyone Used An Exo-terra Vivarium With Water?

March 2011: the background of the month

Wallpaper per desktop di 1024 x 768 pixel
"Se si potesse incrociare un uomo con un gatto,
l'uomo ne risulterebbe migliorato.
Il gatto sicuramente peggiorato."
(Mark Twain)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Monster Energy Helsinki

Six tons of Gorgonzola under Seizure donated to the poor in Milan. In other words: take off your shoes during lunch and no one notices!
86-year-old sentenced
to 9 years and 4 months imprisonment. When will be a better man.
Gaddafi: Al Qaeda's fault. Berlusconi: blame the communists. Vasco Rossi: Alfredo's fault.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Funny Bbq Invitation Wording

Format north Africans.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Brazilian Wax For Men In San Francisco

live bait

The post I'm talking about this, what I would write the book I've read, and my physical problem.

"What problem?" she said.

"A stomach trouble."


"Yes, too close."

not understand.

"I have very tight inner walls of the stomach, is a fault as he who takes a bit of wind and has undergone sore throat, like someone eats something and gain weight quickly, or who takes to sneeze .. "

" To you, what happens? "

smile, and the card game.
What happens is that if I feel an emotion one is attached immediately to the stomach. The same for words.
It happens sometimes that I'm out with other people for a party, I see my friends for an evening, not squashed word. Continuo to turn or stare at random, I smile a bit, I hear the words one by one attacked from within, and I know that will not leave. I resign.

you back a smile: "Good for gastritis .. .

That sounds pretty bad as well.
No, it is not. The positive side is that those emotions, those words ...
think a bit. Somehow it seems that the dens.

"And the book that got to do?"

"got to do because when a meeting with the same problem I immediately recognize him."

began to understand and laugh.

"How are you doing?"

"I do not know, it's actually something that happens to me a while to all, the fact is that when you find yourself having to pull out certain emotions, certain words, if you are attached too it turns out that some patisci.
I think I recognize him from that. I recognize the suffering. "

" I? I've got your problem? "I laugh too" A little bit, like everyone else, but in general is different .. "

" Why? "

" Because generally people do not do work .. "

" You do the work? "

" A little yes .. "

" And why? I think about .. You know, I do not know. At this point, but I think because it's the thing I did it for more time .. "

laughs loudest" What, to suffer? "

Even I laugh louder," Yes .. Yes! Suffer! "

In that moment I understood what I meant for live bait, the book by Fabio Genovesi who has just been published by Mondadori.

I know what I think of his work.

I have not told, then and there. I was stuck in the stomach and goes to pieces now.

Along with all these years of talking about the places where I come from, write stories, comics, video circled and documentaries.

Ends with those places that you made it paved the stomach as the bedroom of a sixteen year old.

And when you choose to live, to poke in from time to time, you find yourself wondering if what you draw is true, if you can.

Live bait about three boys from the province, three different ages, trying to get by in the place where they were born. So strong, it ends up talking about what, some places, that keep you stuck.

- The whole flat is cut from these were connected to each other, are practically the same water that runs in various channels straight and narrow, covered with mud and lined spouts in the middle of campisenza vegetables. In fact, some people call them "the trenches" and who "the ditch", because if you take each piece as a thing in itself since there are many, but to see them from a network are as dark as a black cage on the country . -

He also talks about fishing, cycling, metal music.
the first two I know little, even with the third set are Malin.
But in reality there is in the midst of another soup, which I think I know something.
know why someone who lives his life in our country ends up choosing one of these, or 'other passion, keep it as for though, as ties us every day that has to go, better to keep them all together.

never looked at a bike ride.
Yes, shame.
never even caught. Still shame.

But I watched people fish,
I felt that it was not so important what was up.
It seemed to me that the important thing was to stay there, the rest is sitting at the bottom, and pull out a piece at a time.

And I also watched the people along roadsides, on television, on the machines before and after the race.
Even there, it seemed that winning was only a part. It seemed to me that one who runs to you simply makes you feel that you watch the race, the belly.

To me, this race there something I pulled out. Something remains where it belongs, even for a while.
For one who has my problem is already so.

So, again, is seeing someone else about your issue manages to bring a present.
Or a better future.

- And I know that life is this thing here, a river of stuff that comes along all at once, and even take it a bit you realize that is past, and maybe it was just what he did for you. But you can not stay there too and not even know to think, why are you still in the river and the stuff comes and goes and goes.
Or life is not a river, maybe life is a hole, and then the speech is quite different. Because a river flows and eventually reaches the sea, but a ditch is not going anywhere. Stay straight without a goal, so at most I can hope to meet others and confused with them for a while. And if there is a sense in all this water that moves, I do not know. I just know that I'm happy, especially if I can throw a bait and fish. -

Fabio Genovesi

Ubuntu Hide My Ip Adress

approved the new European legislation on medicines

Counterfeit medicines: the green light to new EU legislation

was approved this morning by the European Parliament document agreed by Ministers in December of Health of the Member States.
packs labeled, regolamentazione più stringente dell’import-export con Paesi terzi e autorizzazione speciale per le farmacie on line: queste le misure che dovranno impedire l’ingresso di farmaci contraffatti nel mercato Ue.

16 FEB - Si è concluso l’iter di approvazione della nuova normativa europea sui medicinali contraffatti. Con 569 voti a favore, 12 contrari e 7 astenuti, questa mattina il Parlamento europeo ha infatti approvato il testo uscito dall’accordo dei ministri della Salute degli stati membri lo scorso dicembre. Rimane un ultimo passo da compiere: l’approvazione formale del Consiglio. A quel punto gli Stati membri avranno 24 mesi di tempo per apportare le modifiche indicate dal testo alla loro legislazione nazionale.
The legislation contains all the measures to be put in place to prevent the entry of counterfeit drugs into the legal supply chain by introducing traceability, as well as penalties for counterfeiters. Pay special attention to Internet sales.
Satisfaction was expressed by the rapporteur for the measure, the Portuguese Member of the United Left, Marisa Matias, "The counterfeit medicines are" silent killers "because they have no effect or because they contain toxic substances that can damage or even kill, those who take them. The absence of a framework law encourages counterfeiting, which is a crime. We have witnessed a growth of this huge criminal activity, an increase since 2005 of 400% of seizures of counterfeit drugs. Protect patient safety is the main objective of this Directive ".
The first innovation of this rule on certification of authenticity of the drugs that will be guaranteed by a labeling system that also allows the tracking of packages. The rule will apply to prescription drugs, and only in exceptional cases (ie for products with a high risk of counterfeiting), also non-prescription medicines.
The law also has an obligation for Member States to set up an alert system that immediately come into action in cases where the certificate is the entry of counterfeit drugs into the net.
Additional requirements are expected to regulate the import and export of medicines to third countries.
The chapter, however, was the most anticipated Internet, which is one of the main channels through which counterfeit drugs are consumed in the EU market.
In Member States where they are allowed (the legislation does not oblige it to open the sector to this channel), online pharmacies must obtain special permission to provide products to the public via the web. For sites there is a common logo, to be recognized throughout the EU to help consumers identify the licensed pharmacies. It is also provided that all Internet pharmacies with their authorization is linked to a central site at the national level is in turn connected to a central server in Europe. Finally, the new document states that citizens are adequately informed about the risks of buying drugs over the Internet.

Article Source


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Half Drilled Pearls Glue

Compos Sui

I saw on a video published by La Repubblica, the response that our prime minister gave to a journalist who asked him a simple question: "Do you The election for governor Mario Draghi of the European bank may be temporarily held back by its legal proceedings? "
It seems to me a question absolutely not offensive and, most importantly, the public interest. Well, his response was: "You are not Compos on " which translated means "you do not know what he says" .
But that answer is? Possible that none of the news audience has raised his hand in protest?
Well, my answer is: "Contrary contrariis curantur!" Diseases are cured with remedies against!


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Marihuana Cluster Headache

Before crossing, look left and right.

A person whom I respect very much, Paul Rapoport, wrote: "We have faced political opponents or class with which it is worthwhile to discuss or to fight to put an end to claim rights and privileges denied. We face real bandits. Bandit is a political incompetent and corrupt, bandit is the parent who does not find anything strange if a girl is a prostitute and even if they had the chance, would encourage his daughter to do the same bandit is the entrepreneur who takes advantage of the misfortunes others to make money, is banned racist fanatic who writes on the walls. "

So there is no dialogue with the leaders of the bandits because they are pure fascists who cultivate the media lies and oppression. Even with the electorate, or because they are aware but have an interest in the status quo or are worshipers of mold.

If I were right, and not I am, and I was a serious and honest person, and they are, I would hope that the Dear anomalous levasse really come back, because he is the cap (in every sense) that blocks the formation of a right true and serious in Italy and, for contrast, also left free to express themselves, not like now that it is foolishness, both for atomic and for subdivision objective lack of cyberspace, is the classic tree falling in the deserted forest.

Without him you will, I trust, a glade, that should have been open in the early '90s with the emergence of AN cleaned up, a PCI center and a reformist liberal increasingly disconnected from mom Vatican. The only question that remains is quella predisposizione tutta nostra ad un deteriore populismo fascio-clericale, e questa energia, questa subcultura dovranno forzatamente incanalarsi da qualche parte.

Ho sinceramente paura della parte più retrograda e razzista e xenofoba che ora milita nella Lega, a nord, e in quella politica espressione della malavita organizzata, a sud. Anche se sicuramente quella del sud sarà prevalente, viste le maggiori risorse finanziarie che ha.

Insomma, anche qualora succedesse che il nano se ne va, attenzione, bisognerà tenere gli occhi aperti, per non ritrovarsi un giorno il clone di D’Alema che ci dice quanto Cosa Nostra, in fondo, sia una risorsa per il nostro paese.

Size 9.5 Boots With What Bindings

We have a relationship.

I try not to get into a discussion of what a complex relationship between mature adult.

With my wife is understanding the mental, physical humor. If we do something together pleasure is not 1 +1 but 1x1000, we discuss, we enrich each other, we model our lives on our relationship and we see the world in two.

But Silvio? That inner life like? What has the concept of beauty?

Why, a man rich, powerful, attractive like him, we realize that sgallettate surrounds you? Two minutes, but I say, two seconds after intercourse with a Ruby, but you say, are you talking about?

The reduction of women to penis sheaths and sex to una minzione. Probabilmente soffre di tali e tanti complessi di inferiorità che non si ritiene all'altezza di una donna vera, sente che gli manca qualcosa. E compensa con una bulimia contabile questa sua inadeguatezza.

Non lascerà mai, non si dimetterà mai, perchè se fosse lasciato solo a sé stesso, obbligato a guardarsi nello specchio di una solitudine arida, non sopravviverebbe un minuto.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Cheap Earthquake Amplifiers

Not only cats ...

Il 17 Febbraio è la Festa del Gatto ( see article) but given the already cumbersome feline presence on this blog already with us and accompany us every month throughout 2011, with a lot of calendar dedicated to them, a public diversion with a dozen images of many animals I've photographed here and there ...

Looking for optimism about the future of Egypt

Conquering freedom


"... Children do good!"

eye for an eye ...



moments of affection in his barn

Capretta curious

Green lizard

---------------------------------------- -----------------------------
Each photo can be downloaded by clicking on it,
resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels

Friday, February 4, 2011

Which Is Best Hair Mousee

Letter from a place that I do not know a human look

Le porte vedendomi dovrebbero aprirsi.

Ma c'è un cartello sopra, dice che non funzionano e bisogna farlo a mano.

Entro, il barista ci scherza subito.

"Sono il modello nuovo.." strizza l'occhio.

Gli chiedo un cappuccio, scelgo un bombolone, penso basti.
Altri due si calmano la fame chimica con a hamurger.
The radio inside is high, shoot club business, one of the two boys to beat zompetta.

I put the hood in front and looks out:
- 'Can you go around with a scooter? How do you, mortacci, with the cold that is! -

How do I - I keep to myself - .. we jump on it.

He smiles. - Even in here do not mess around. -
Throw your thumb behind. There is a river.
yes, I had to wait.

Exeunt early teens, he entered two more.
Then another girl. He does not see
il cartello, le apro io.
Il barista, ancora, sono del modello nuovo. La ragazza ride, balla anche lei. "aò ma nùn finisce più!"
Ce l'ha con la musica.
Il barista le strizza l'occhio "Me sa che te la porti fino a casa" poi si gira verso di me.
"Ancora tre ore così, poi stacco. Te no, vé? Te attacchi mò."
Mi prende alla sprovvista. Per un attimo sto zitto.
Lui ammicca anche a me. "Zì, da mezzanotte alle otto qui ce passa de tutto, ormai ve conosco!"
Eppure, lui non mi sembra uno che vorrebbe fare un altro lavoro.
Pago, saluto, mi chiudo fuori.
Il lungotevere è six-lane, completely motionless.
I must not think, I have to jump on it.

I see them pass into the biting cold. Four men in overalls. They all run and chatting happily, perfect rhythm.
Across the street, far away.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Famous Stars And Straps Cake Pan

foreign policy of our government

"Mubarak was arrested in Egypt. Berlusconi calls to the Chief of the Cairo and ordered him to release him immediately because he is the uncle of Ruby .:)))"

joke that circulates in the sphere of Milan ...
