A person whom I respect very much, Paul Rapoport, wrote: "We have faced political opponents or class with which it is worthwhile to discuss or to fight to put an end to claim rights and privileges denied. We face real bandits. Bandit is a political incompetent and corrupt, bandit is the parent who does not find anything strange if a girl is a prostitute and even if they had the chance, would encourage his daughter to do the same bandit is the entrepreneur who takes advantage of the misfortunes others to make money, is banned racist fanatic who writes on the walls. "
So there is no dialogue with the leaders of the bandits because they are pure fascists who cultivate the media lies and oppression. Even with the electorate, or because they are aware but have an interest in the status quo or are worshipers of mold.
If I were right, and not I am, and I was a serious and honest person, and they are, I would hope that the Dear anomalous levasse really come back, because he is the cap (in every sense) that blocks the formation of a right true and serious in Italy and, for contrast, also left free to express themselves, not like now that it is foolishness, both for atomic and for subdivision objective lack of cyberspace, is the classic tree falling in the deserted forest.
Without him you will, I trust, a glade, that should have been open in the early '90s with the emergence of AN cleaned up, a PCI center and a reformist liberal increasingly disconnected from mom Vatican. The only question that remains is quella predisposizione tutta nostra ad un deteriore populismo fascio-clericale, e questa energia, questa subcultura dovranno forzatamente incanalarsi da qualche parte.
Ho sinceramente paura della parte più retrograda e razzista e xenofoba che ora milita nella Lega, a nord, e in quella politica espressione della malavita organizzata, a sud. Anche se sicuramente quella del sud sarà prevalente, viste le maggiori risorse finanziarie che ha.
Insomma, anche qualora succedesse che il nano se ne va, attenzione, bisognerà tenere gli occhi aperti, per non ritrovarsi un giorno il clone di D’Alema che ci dice quanto Cosa Nostra, in fondo, sia una risorsa per il nostro paese.
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