Monday, November 1, 2010

How To Get Fair Skinhome Made


not talk about my use of industrial policy, no expert, but I read the newspapers and try to stay informed. But I can not help but, after the last chief executive FIAT hallucinatory statements, and certainly all agree that members of his staff, on the Italian plants, their alleged losses, the workers forced to shift out of the inhuman laws and contracts . Its sales are collapsing
dear administrator, his reputation came under the feet of all of us and knows why? He offended all
Italians, has offended his workers and the unions that represent them.
You see sir, the workers can not do as you can not drive the stock market, making statements blackmail, they can only protest, dignified, very dignified. May dismiss a strike and protest in the streets. They do it on Saturday or Sunday sir, not to stop production, days that they should devote to their families and their children. But they know that without that protest, that voice choir, she did not hear them.
sales are plummeting, especially in Italy, because she is annoying us, because without the benefit of our potential customers, she would not be able to make a profit, despite you pay his workers with starvation wages.
Where do all that money?
With what money she went shopping in America and built factories in Eastern Europe?
But you know who is producing a car of absolute mediocrity? That its assistance is of the take it or leave it?
The workers have nothing to do all this, much less the workers of its suppliers, squeezed by the prices you set.
I also wonder why his is the only industry that wants to leave Europe, when all other car manufacturers remain and, indeed, the Japanese brands are here to produce. Maybe labor is more professional? Perhaps working with more awareness? Maybe they work? Si ponga queste domande prima di dire che noi italiani siamo una palla al piede. Altrimenti sciĆ², via, se ne vada. Ma non faccia piagnistei se non riesce a vendere le sue mediocri auto.

Doriana, proprietaria di una FIAT Nuova Punto, orgogliosa che l'abbiano costruita operai italiani.


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