Sunday, January 30, 2011

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Day against plagiarism in favor of intellectual property

Uploaded with

today protesting against the theft on the Internet.
With this picture above and on this day we want to highlight an issue that affects us all closer:
theft internet

E'odioso seeing a copy just wrote a story, una fotografia, una poesia e vederla pubblicata da un'altra parte senza il nostro permesso.
Un furto intellettuale vero e proprio.
Ed è per questo motivo che un blogger , insieme ad altri, fra cui me, abbiamo ideato un blog intitolato

per denunciare questo stato di cose dopo che alcuni di noi sono stati fatti oggetto di furto dei propri lavori.
Siamo partiti da un dato di fatto, da un furto, da un puro e semplice copia-incolla, senza menzionarne la fonte. Abbiamo allora preso coscienza che questo problema è più diffuso di quanto si possa pensare e abbiamo detto NO, enough, we hear our voice.
So we called this day to be visible, to make us feel, in the hope that more bloggers can take the same consciousness and together we can make our voice heard here on the Internet, where each of us creates, laughs, cries, is know, communicate, but each in their individuality and honesty above all.
With the help of other bloggers, who spared no effort to publicize this initiative and I am very grateful that here, we have reached today.
So today, I want to say out loud, do not stop here, we continue to face, to discuss, to bring this issue to higher levels. United meet me on the blog for intellectual property.
"Do not play what's there. He plays what is not there."
"Music and life are only matters of style."
(Miles Davis, jazz trumpeter)

A Doriana excited for this day, but with a smile, because we are doing a shared initiative.


Friday, January 28, 2011

What Is Normal For Cm?

February 2011: the background of the month

Desktop Wallpaper for 1024 x 768 pixels
"I do not wonder at all when the cat does something mysterious
I wonder when it's normal things."
(Gino Paoli)

Some Idea To Paint My Living Room

Oranges Help the health-cancer research

January 29, 2011
on all major
In January, the AIRC provides good year for cancer research with the "oranges of Health.
 Just a minimum membership fee of € 9.00 to receive a free 3 kg net of blood oranges from Sicily, guaranteed quality and origin, marked with the logo of the Association.

This contribution allows you to get your fill of vitamins, do good to research and become members AIRC for a year.

so good idea, given that oranges are among the protagonists of a proper diet, is broadcast by an advertising campaign and turned into actions by the Regional AIRC that with the commitment of volunteers, animate squares throughout Italy in a day of celebration and socializing.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Salisbury Poultry Auction Dates 2010

Calendar 2011 - 2.0

Upon request, a variation of my 2011 calendar :
a bit 'less natural but more cats!
Click here to download the printable PDF

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

18 Year Birthday Card Tag

Jazz A great version of Layla by Eric Clapton

Saturday, January 15, 2011

How To See If Your Spleen Is Swollen

I'm not afraid of the Devil

politically I was born under this symbol.
Persons who have carried through the streets were always an example for me. And they are even more people who during the resistance have not been able to see it fly free in the streets.
Under this there is another red flag, our Italian flag, pride and glory.
no coincidence that there are two, they represent freedom and dedication of men and women for our nation.
I am Italian community. I have the heart of our supporters, our workers and all people who live in a state of submission e sfruttamento, in special modo i giovani d'oggi.
Orgoglio, questo provo quando guardo questo simbolo, non mi vergogno, chiedo rispetto e soprattutto coerenza.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Dr. Arvind Poswal Address

Ho inserito nella barra laterale una serie di link utili ai fini informativi di carattere farmaceutico.
In parole povere si tratta del prontuario farmaceutico online utilizzabile per reperire informazioni su qualsiasi medicinale venduto in Italia.
In cosa può essere utile?
Innanzitutto, nel caso si fosse smarrito il foglietto illustrativo, qui è riportato un sunto chiamato MONOGRAFIA.
Spesso in casa ci si ritrova con farmaci di which does not remember their use. I think this list can serve this purpose.
If in doubt always ask your doctor or pharmacist about this.


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Links To laugh a little '

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

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Initiative on internet plagiarism

It 's time to make concrete the initiative against plagiarism on the Internet.
I therefore ask all the courtesy to publicize your blog by inserting in the original logo is better and maybe even the facebook page where there is a summary of discussions and initiatives.
E 'a debate that affects everyone. The effort that we are doing is to combine the free flow of ideas without falling into the trap of Copyright with the protection of intellectual writer's post. See each
copied from another work and claim it as their own is believed to be a real insult to the players first and then, last but not least, to the originator of the post.
Dear friends and readers, this is the only possible medicine, there are antidotes to the smart, no vaccine against the thieves of ideas, acchiappanuvole, the scoundrels, liars and double agents.
all together and only together, by culture, we can defeat them. Thanks


links and photos can be found by clicking HERE

Monday, January 10, 2011

Denon 1609 Be For Ps3

Initiative on internet plagiarism

We are organizing the first day of February in favor of intellectual property.
Who will want to join, just for that day, to publish the above logo with the words to a thought. I know it will be published on blogs and on Facebook and in all other social networks.
Thanks for any interest. Link

image (GIF):

or click HERE
and the right-hand menu to copy the code.

To participate in the debate has created a blog: The Property Intellectual
A page Facebook and Twitter on



Saturday, January 8, 2011

Can Gays Be Found Thrugh Astrology

Andreij Rubilov is a painter, the most famous of his land.

Its land is Russia a dark and violent Middle Ages, from which it seems you can not escape.

Il granduca di mosca vuole una grande opera, da Rubilov.
Una Pietà per la sua chiesa. Che gli abitanti di quella terra, guardandola, ritrovino il loro Dio, e la grandezza del duca.

Per quattordici anni Rubilov non risponde alla richiesta. Viaggia in silenzio, cerca.

Nel paese dove arriva il duca sta costruendo un'altra chiesa, questa chiesa ha bisogno di una campana.
Il duca manda i suoi uomini a chiamare il fonditore, gli uomini del duca trovano una famiglia sterminata dalla peste.
Si è salvato solo un ragazzo.

E' il ragazzo, per primo, a chiamare.
In quel momento, ha trovato quello che cerca.

L'ho trovata! Andreijka! L'argilla!


La seconda volta, per un attimo, lo sguardo del ragazzo e quello del pittore si incontrano.

Cos'hai da guardare tu... Ti faccio pietà, vero?

Il ragazzo ha paura.

Non ce la faccio. Non ce la faccio.

Boris, the boy rests.
's just a moment, is not the end of the concerns. The bell must be raised, shall sound. If you do not play, that will be the end.

The bell calls us all to itself.
The boy is safe. The whole company is safe. The Duke will have his holy church and the bell will remind the villagers that God is with them.

This is not the end of the story.
The end of the film and the story, talk about something else.

Parla di quella pietà che il pittore cercava, di come la trova, di quello a cui serve.

Non la metto. Spero riusciate a trovare il film intero, a commuovervi come è successo a me.

Tu lo sai bene: non ti riesce qualcosa, sei stanco e non ce la fai più.
E d'un tratto incontri nella folla lo sguardo di qualcuno - uno sguardo umano - ed è come se ti fossi accostato a un divino nascosto.
E tutto diventa improvvisamente easier.
- Andrei Tarkovsky

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Even this morning I came into the great family of Facebook. In addition to increased my value of 100 € the experience was fun but traumatic. Registration
, I wanted to register with the blog title, but has not accepted, he said that is strange (in English of course) that can be called a blog:) Well, say my name.
When I started to open dialogue with the computer, how many laughs we've made: want to see you just friends? Or friends of friends? Or all or none? Well do a little 'I would have answered you.
Dilemma photos that I put it? I started putting the same image of the blog (not fantasy) but my photos for now I do not want to put an aspirin and post it seemed obvious.
just entered the new account here to get a friend request from a blogger friend and very nice. Wow! but how do you know I'm here so quickly? After a couple of messages here discovered the secret, but it is Facebook that will do it all! Go and read your e-mail addresses and tells you who might be there. So much for privacy! Other than intellectual property! But the value of € 100 must be earned then we fly over.
It then begins to understand what all those links and here begins the drama
- I have a view up the face of Giorgio Almirante asked if I wanted to be his friend.
- A friend request bloggier a friend but with a photo of a man (her husband I found out later) but for a novice like me starts a panic, I thought I done??: DDDDDDDD
-facebook asking me if I want to send flowers, kisses, chocolate, hearts, etc. .... But we are a community of children?
think I made this proposal to join the intellectual property of the blog gives me much comfort, but the price paid in terms of panic due to my inexperience and a lot:) We'll see
come finirà, per ora è divertente.....con qualche riserva.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

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Influences 2010-2011

Siamo nel pieno dell'inverno e i virus influenzali stanno per toccare i picchi infettivi.
Innanzitutto incominciamo a sfatare certi miti:
1) Con la semplice influenza non servono gli antibiotici
2) la temuta influenza suina non è poi peggiore degli altri ceppi, fatta eccezione per una tosse un po' più insistente.
3) La eventuale copertura tramite antibiotico  DEVE essere sempre prescritta dal medico curante.

Pubblico ora un estratto del Governo relativo alle Linee Guida basate dalle recenti indicazioni Organization for the influences 2010-2011:

Guidelines 2010-2011

have been issued government guidelines relating to 'influence 2010-2011 based on the latest indications of' WHO , we summarize the main points:
  • Flu symptoms (fever, headache, malaise, cough, chills, muscle and joint pain) are common to many other diseases to be diagnosed influences must be:
    • respiratory affection suddenly appears,
    • fever over 38 ° C,
    • at least one of the following symptoms sistemici:
      • cefalea,
      • malessere generalizzato,
      • sudorazione,
      • brividi,
      • astenia,
    • e da almeno uno dei seguenti sintomi respiratori:
      • tosse,
      • mal di gola,
      • congestione nasale.
    • Soprattutto nei bambini si possono manifestare anche nausea, vomito e/o diarrea.
  • La fascia di età più colpita è quella dei bambini fino a 14 anni (con il picco massimo nella fascia 0-4 anni); la diffusione diminuisce all’aumentare dell’età e raggiunge il valore minimo negli anziani (che sono però ad alto rischio di complicazioni).
  • The influenza infection can occur by air (through the saliva of those who coughs or sneezes) or through contact with contaminated hands, droplets themselves, to reduce transmission of influenza virus is recommended: