event for the public school: according to the organizers of one million participants. For the police ... a single teacher!
The earthquake in Japan made it the shortest day . Suddenly I feel the need to go to sleep, are the 3 in the afternoon ... goodnight! Sunday, March 13, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
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During the evacuation of over 200 000 people from nearby nuclear power plant in Fukushima appeared in the skies that the image of Chicco Testa said smiling "The plants have taken! - The plants have taken."
During the evacuation of over 200 000 people from nearby nuclear power plant in Fukushima appeared in the skies that the image of Chicco Testa said smiling "The plants have taken! - The plants have taken."
Manhattan Sat Receivers
The jungle is now Facebook
Hello Doris, Sorry for the problems you're experiencing in gaining access to your facebook account. But I never had trouble to access it, and I mean the few times I made this access. So what does this email I received? I informed, thanks to the children of my sister, who had spread the news and agreed that someone / forced to my account, that he tried to enter the mail and tried to guess the password. Well, pleased him / her. But what good is to break this kind of thing I wondered, I have no secret. But here's the answer that comes to me through the intuition of a friend: "They tried to use your identity!" is why I am now to close that account facebook. I say some experts that the identities of women, 90% are the most abused, for use with the aim to meet other women. But what the hell we live in society?? Doriana |
Friday, March 11, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Bridal Shower Presents
Napolitano: "Investing in young people and school . But for lack of funds we opt for "investing from school."
In the new book by Pope states that were not the Jews kill Jesus The case will be reopened to search new traces of DNA.
Giornalisti della BBC torturati dai militari libici . Gli hanno fatto sorbire la registrazione del sermone che Gheddafi tenne a Roma lo scorso anno alle "gheddafine". Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Best Floating Materials
What Happens When Dog Die Of Pancreatitis
Marisol and courage
arrive at the office this morning and checking the newspaper
find this
I immediately thought the screening of 'El Murderer Room 164', a documentary by Gianfranco Rosi months ago I attended the Nuovo Sacher.
I thought about what he told the murderess on how the drug traffickers have held a car infallible, fully rooted in the social and cultural whole of Mexico, and beyond.
I thought about how, at some point in the documentary, the same murderess, hundreds of executions, change seems to give voice and he speaks of what he has done and seen it done to women. The same
Gianfranco Rosi in the room, told us how that change of tone has also impressed him during the interview.
I thought this girl of twenty-eight, police commander of one of the most violent in Mexico.
disappearance on March 2.
I am a prayer.
The documentary is awesome, a fixed shot, definitely not fun.
Tell worst torture to which they subject other people like us. Share how
next we can construct a different reality, fully functional and coordinated with ours, which we can escape from at all times and thrown worst nightmare, something that a citizen like me do not even want to imagine.
Watch the documentary and think Stefano Cucchi, Federico Aldovrandi, to Diaz.
Ask yourself if these were only isolated cases spokes of a wheel that continues to build and go in that direction.
Think ritrovarvici below.
If you are afraid, think about Marisol.
And even if you are a prayer, not only for her to be deceived.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Does Orlistat Harm Pregnancy
Today, March 8 ...
"According to the World Economic Forum (2010) Italy in the female is disastrously, tragically behind. Italian women have to '87esimo place in the world for participation in paid work; 121esimo to pay in terms of equality ; the 97th to the presence in positions of administrative responsibility and control, to 74th in the overall treatment of women, behind Vietnam. Colombia and Peru. "
I was hoping there, years ago that women could be the protagonists of a progressive resurgence. Not so much a hypothetical female superiority, which honestly I never believed (as in fact I never believed a male superiority) As for the incazzatura resulting from the sedimentation of centuries of oppression and gained an awareness of their rights. Instead
are years, and many now that I see to be reabsorbed into the formalism most of the female gender. The first women to agree to be boxed in a certain way.
have surrendered to the aesthetic pre-sexual revolution, we are now even to the revaluation of prostitution as a way to make a career, or gain a place in the sun.
not see anywhere a hint for a boycott of goods using any reference to women's sexual drives as a vehicle merchant.
I hoped that we would be swept away like dead leaves, but obviously we boys we were so successful in publicizing the image of a male in crisis, fragile, weak, sensitive, too accustomed to shaving, physical and mental, at least as perceived image that seems so small is less abusive, threatening, violent, and not attached to the preservation of our privileges, our privileges.
Probably winning the vision for which, emptied of all essence, we exist only play a socially apparent, as a projection of what one believes and says it should be.
Lost concreteness of having substantive ideas, needs, desires, affections, we live life in a way schizophrenic reality of submission depressed and apathetic, but with his head in a virtual reality where the roles are standardized by certain mass media.
Those roles that take place well in contemporary literature, which is advertising, men and women's perfume, or efficient, witty, interchangeable, uninhibited, brisk. Nonexistent.
In other words, there's the battle of the sexes because men and women have disappeared, replaced by Barbie and Ken, whose libido is focused on owning something or someone, rather than on being set in.
Everything passes, including the empowerment of women through the change that I believe necessary, cultural, linguistic, mental, that is to pass from this hangover of a low concrete polished but not cynical. Why I would like, all right, that women have in fact recognized their rights, but even more pressing that we all may be, in full, persons employed. Regardless of the gamete.
It must not succumb to all points of view, to be again. Because according to the old dilemma, having or being, we are not only more, but even we have something. And we must learn to say, to ask to get it.

"According to the World Economic Forum (2010) Italy in the female is disastrously, tragically behind. Italian women have to '87esimo place in the world for participation in paid work; 121esimo to pay in terms of equality ; the 97th to the presence in positions of administrative responsibility and control, to 74th in the overall treatment of women, behind Vietnam. Colombia and Peru. "
I was hoping there, years ago that women could be the protagonists of a progressive resurgence. Not so much a hypothetical female superiority, which honestly I never believed (as in fact I never believed a male superiority) As for the incazzatura resulting from the sedimentation of centuries of oppression and gained an awareness of their rights. Instead
are years, and many now that I see to be reabsorbed into the formalism most of the female gender. The first women to agree to be boxed in a certain way.
have surrendered to the aesthetic pre-sexual revolution, we are now even to the revaluation of prostitution as a way to make a career, or gain a place in the sun.
not see anywhere a hint for a boycott of goods using any reference to women's sexual drives as a vehicle merchant.
I hoped that we would be swept away like dead leaves, but obviously we boys we were so successful in publicizing the image of a male in crisis, fragile, weak, sensitive, too accustomed to shaving, physical and mental, at least as perceived image that seems so small is less abusive, threatening, violent, and not attached to the preservation of our privileges, our privileges.
Probably winning the vision for which, emptied of all essence, we exist only play a socially apparent, as a projection of what one believes and says it should be.
Lost concreteness of having substantive ideas, needs, desires, affections, we live life in a way schizophrenic reality of submission depressed and apathetic, but with his head in a virtual reality where the roles are standardized by certain mass media.
Those roles that take place well in contemporary literature, which is advertising, men and women's perfume, or efficient, witty, interchangeable, uninhibited, brisk. Nonexistent.
In other words, there's the battle of the sexes because men and women have disappeared, replaced by Barbie and Ken, whose libido is focused on owning something or someone, rather than on being set in.
Everything passes, including the empowerment of women through the change that I believe necessary, cultural, linguistic, mental, that is to pass from this hangover of a low concrete polished but not cynical. Why I would like, all right, that women have in fact recognized their rights, but even more pressing that we all may be, in full, persons employed. Regardless of the gamete.
It must not succumb to all points of view, to be again. Because according to the old dilemma, having or being, we are not only more, but even we have something. And we must learn to say, to ask to get it.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Nikon D40 Protective Case
8 marzo: la più grande distruzione di massa perpetrata cyclically on the plant world!
38 Italian families waiting for the end of the world refuge in underground bunkers in Mexico. Would be the only ones that have not acceded to collect 10 million signatures of PD. 's wife gives birth to a baby of color and her husband for divorce. Still incomprehensible the real motives of man.
Difference Between Loose Stool And Diarrhea
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Pakistani Womenbangbros
Thought. Bats
Scaiola is ready to return policy . Unbeknownst to her.
Libya: the regime announced the truce . And since there is, the reform of the justice! On Discovery Channel, Mike Tyson talks about his passion for pigeons. The love of the past, however, the documentary is in preparation starring a well-known Italian politician.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Disney Bluray Digital Copy
Bondi: "Soon I shall resign . Two or three crashes, just to finish with a flourish!
Bondi: "Soon I shall resign . Two or three crashes, just to finish with a flourish!
Ratzinger publishes second book on Jesus Again a final fantasy style.
Steve Jobs is a surprise presentation of the new iPad2 . Next Medjugorje apparitions and , Fatima and the retail chain Media World.
I Want To Buy A Frame For A Buggy
AISM Gardenia - 5-6 March 2011
On the occasion of International Women's Day, comes on time every year as in 3000 the Italian squares "Gardenia AISM, the appointment with the solidarity in the fight against multiple sclerosis .
The funds raised from Saturday 5 and Sunday, March 6, in addition to research, to health and social services dedicated to the sick, will be used to support the program "Women beyond the SM, which provides information on events and meetings on national and territory with the aim to inform and involve women affected by the disease in different areas of working life, Social and family. Under the program is expected to publish books specifically for women on pregnancy, sexuality and a guide on how to deal with fatigue, 85 percent of the cases considered the symptom "invisible" to contribute to a more difficulties in the daily actions.
Multiple sclerosis is a chronic, debilitating and completely unpredictable, one of the most serious central nervous system. Only in Italy are 60 000 people affected, half, 30 000 are women. It is estimated that every 4 hours in our country a person receives a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis that occurs mostly between 20 and 30 years, particularly amongst women and young people at the time of life full of projects.
The event is held under the patronage of the President of the Republic, is promoted by the Italian Multiple Sclerosis Society and its Foundation - IMF.
(source farmacia.it)
On the occasion of International Women's Day, comes on time every year as in 3000 the Italian squares "Gardenia AISM, the appointment with the solidarity in the fight against multiple sclerosis .
The funds raised from Saturday 5 and Sunday, March 6, in addition to research, to health and social services dedicated to the sick, will be used to support the program "Women beyond the SM, which provides information on events and meetings on national and territory with the aim to inform and involve women affected by the disease in different areas of working life, Social and family. Under the program is expected to publish books specifically for women on pregnancy, sexuality and a guide on how to deal with fatigue, 85 percent of the cases considered the symptom "invisible" to contribute to a more difficulties in the daily actions.
Multiple sclerosis is a chronic, debilitating and completely unpredictable, one of the most serious central nervous system. Only in Italy are 60 000 people affected, half, 30 000 are women. It is estimated that every 4 hours in our country a person receives a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis that occurs mostly between 20 and 30 years, particularly amongst women and young people at the time of life full of projects.
The event is held under the patronage of the President of the Republic, is promoted by the Italian Multiple Sclerosis Society and its Foundation - IMF.
(source farmacia.it)
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Brazilian Wax Milan Italy
rains in the wet?
I read in the newspaper the last exit of Ecclestone, owner of Formula 1:
"Grand Prix boring? artificial rain."
Just, the 38th scrotal tissues around your kneecaps are already at height? The mammary glands tickle your toes? Now you have become one with the couch? No problem, thinks Uncle Bernie.
genius has thought a great way to liven up the boring dell'autopista Polystil is one for which, without notice, automatically turns on the sprinkler to turn deadly, so the fireball gets there nice and quiet with slick tires shatters on the guard rail, even better if some pickled sheet some unsuspecting viewer. In the other study
other variables to make perky GP: Grand Prix
Pamplona. If the show languishes, you are on track to enter the famous bulls chase the car, causing some nice spin that move the show internationally.
Grand Prix of Ivrea. A team of Ivrea is hidden in some of apposterà chicane and all'appropinquarsi pilots will begin to target full of juicy oranges, to see how he does. Probably also the development of a competition, with the winner to be unleashed he hits citrus.
Grand Prix of Baghdad. Umpteenth lap will enter a mysterious machine, all black, in the case of crowded in curva, si farà esplodere vicina alle altre, dando una simpatica diradata ai concorrenti.
Gran Premio di Pechino. Durante lo svolgimento della gara, improvvisamente, da una porta nascosta, alcuni militari faranno attraversare la pista ad alcuni prigionieri politici bendati. Sarà cura dei militari aspettare che sopraggiunga qualcuno, altrimenti sarebbe una cosa priva di senso. Già previste alcune contestazioni da parte di organizzazioni umanitarie, rapidamente tacitate con il taglio di ogni collegamento internet.
Fran Premio di roncobilaccio. Alternativo all'itinerario autostradale normale, verrà attivato casualmente uno svincolo per autotreni, dirottandoli sul circuito della gara. I piloti si ritroveranno quindi imbottigliati columns of Tir in Bulgarian, with a nice effect controesodo. Great satisfaction of the public who will finally see those sboroni pilots also submitted them to the drama engorgement.
Grand Prix Arcore. At the first stop will be replaced by some pilots escort, tissue paper, assorted Brazilian whores which, of course, will never be able to drive a monster with ten thousand horses. The restarts will be hilarious (foreseen with Paperissima) with the ailerons to crush the legs of the mechanics.

I read in the newspaper the last exit of Ecclestone, owner of Formula 1:
"Grand Prix boring? artificial rain."
Just, the 38th scrotal tissues around your kneecaps are already at height? The mammary glands tickle your toes? Now you have become one with the couch? No problem, thinks Uncle Bernie.
genius has thought a great way to liven up the boring dell'autopista Polystil is one for which, without notice, automatically turns on the sprinkler to turn deadly, so the fireball gets there nice and quiet with slick tires shatters on the guard rail, even better if some pickled sheet some unsuspecting viewer. In the other study
other variables to make perky GP: Grand Prix
Pamplona. If the show languishes, you are on track to enter the famous bulls chase the car, causing some nice spin that move the show internationally.
Grand Prix of Ivrea. A team of Ivrea is hidden in some of apposterà chicane and all'appropinquarsi pilots will begin to target full of juicy oranges, to see how he does. Probably also the development of a competition, with the winner to be unleashed he hits citrus.
Grand Prix of Baghdad. Umpteenth lap will enter a mysterious machine, all black, in the case of crowded in curva, si farà esplodere vicina alle altre, dando una simpatica diradata ai concorrenti.
Gran Premio di Pechino. Durante lo svolgimento della gara, improvvisamente, da una porta nascosta, alcuni militari faranno attraversare la pista ad alcuni prigionieri politici bendati. Sarà cura dei militari aspettare che sopraggiunga qualcuno, altrimenti sarebbe una cosa priva di senso. Già previste alcune contestazioni da parte di organizzazioni umanitarie, rapidamente tacitate con il taglio di ogni collegamento internet.
Fran Premio di roncobilaccio. Alternativo all'itinerario autostradale normale, verrà attivato casualmente uno svincolo per autotreni, dirottandoli sul circuito della gara. I piloti si ritroveranno quindi imbottigliati columns of Tir in Bulgarian, with a nice effect controesodo. Great satisfaction of the public who will finally see those sboroni pilots also submitted them to the drama engorgement.
Grand Prix Arcore. At the first stop will be replaced by some pilots escort, tissue paper, assorted Brazilian whores which, of course, will never be able to drive a monster with ten thousand horses. The restarts will be hilarious (foreseen with Paperissima) with the ailerons to crush the legs of the mechanics.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Myasthenia Gravis More Condition_treatment
Afghanistan: blows another armored Italian model "Lynx" . Hey, the Taliban, do you like to win easy?
Afghanistan: blows another armored Italian model "Lynx" . Hey, the Taliban, do you like to win easy?
Berlusconi: "The staff of Napolitano too picky about our laws" . He headed toward the particular importance as the marginal ... Democracy and the Constitution.
Primary Pd, candidate for mayor of Turin a young emerging: that Piero Fassino
According to a English study in the Mediterranean increased by 20 cm in 10 years. ready cannot of the Villa Certosa and follow the new rules of the House Plan.
thieves ran away during attempted robbery at the house of Polverini . Too many photos of the President of the Region scattered around the house.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Dango Daikazoku Guitar
Palimpsest near future
With the return of the slain in Ferrara Rai continues moves to contain the cultural dominance of the left, a left-predominant TG3 plays with a hitch that has the ... ... of the towing hitch that has? Boh, oh well ... and with all other programs to share samples, again all on RAI 3, Geo & Geo, a place in the sun ...
The straw that broke the camel must feel to see the poor La Russa was pilloried by the ruthlessness with treacherous and smooth movements of Fazio.
A cowardly ambush that must have decided the otherwise mild and moderate Berlusconi.
But it will not stop this. Once set up the Dual, the one-two-Minz Ferrara, other initiatives are under consideration.
There is talk of a daily program on RAI-2 that will start immediately after the Tg up to midnight, conducted by the bishop of Grosseto, Bishop Babini, those who denounce the allegations as to the pedophile priests were a Zionist campaign, or who claimed to be Islam "a just punishment of the Lord in front of our laziness of Christians who do not know to defend our identity religious, or even that, with regard to homosexuals, said: "A subject that makes me shudder to talk," calling homosexuality "abhorrent" and "an unnatural vice."
The transmission will be called "Torquemada" and place as a seat of the Holy Inquisition live, with phones and mobiles.
will select some heretics, witches or suppositories Assorted or blasphemous. The study is the meticulous reconstruction of a basement of the convent of Santa Cruz in Segovia, with all the instruments of torture in the past, face the cage with live mice to the Virgin of Nuremberg, or dislocate his arms to the press.
In the spectacular environment, which will have nothing to envy to the models of Vespa, the contestants will be subjected to rigorous questioning by a panel of VIP, assisted by real killers Balkan and former Argentine general (the latter for an agreement with the natives viewers ) and must withstand the physical demands as much as possible before admitting their faults and we will also be a mechanism in part, a sort of bonus that can acquire real or alleged complicity in calling their accomplices or supporters, with links to studies and special envoys provided with whips, clamps and assorted hot irons to start with a nice truck "memento mori" painted in black and gold, for questioning at the home of Lightning reported.
Particularly appealing are the sessions in the confessional, electrified on chairs or hanging from the ceiling. Who will be eliminated from the TV voting will be eliminated in all respects, with only one option available to date sfangarla and be imprisoned for life in a makeshift camp host, the Judgement of God
The competitor may in fact, extreme chance, face suplizio a choice : To be tied in a sack with a millstone and thrown into the water (be prepared for that purpose in terms of underwater HD, Dolby 3D senssurround) or will swallow molten lead and survive, or timeless piece de résistance, walking barefoot for 300 meters across the coals, smiling and singing songs Apicella.
Other television projects include a version of "Who has Viewed" where, thanks to anonymous whistleblowers, it tries to locate the graffiti artist who once wrote bad things about Berlusconi, or who, protected by the cowardly crowd, he shouted bad words at the government or even more simply, subscribers to the Republic, Espresso and everyday occurrence. Other
transmission site is "We're making history," which highlights historical events will be revisited in the light of history finally separated from the outdated Marxist. David Irving, assisted by young graduates in history at the University of Don Verzè (courses flash of only 10 months) strorico reveal the origins of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, bringing to reality, their undoubted merits, will show that it is not true that 6 million Jews died in concentration camps, only that they were hidden to make a scherzino to Kapo and still no one has told them that the war is over. An expanded version of, say, the Japanese islands in the Pacific.
Another counter-investigation will clarify the background of the adventure of the Thousand, to reveal to the public without actually Garibaldi had promised the restoration of a brother near Selinunte Baglio had inherited from an elderly Republican of Nice, but the practical the release of the renovation works had been stalled at the technical office of Calatafimi, one thing leads and Finel situation got out of hand, as we have seen.
Finally, for fans of science could not miss the controaltare to the relativistic transmission Bolshevik nepotistic behavior from that of Piero Angela.
John Cacioppo, suitably re-educated to remove those last remnants of scientific consistency, will guide viewers to the good side of science, facts and figures showing how absurd it is still argue that we men can have nothing to do with the stupid and vicious monkeys.
Or how in the evidence of all that is the sun, which revolves around the head, and not vice versa, we were we, in turn, voleremmo away, no? and then, 'What is that the earth is round, but please ...

The straw that broke the camel must feel to see the poor La Russa was pilloried by the ruthlessness with treacherous and smooth movements of Fazio.
A cowardly ambush that must have decided the otherwise mild and moderate Berlusconi.
But it will not stop this. Once set up the Dual, the one-two-Minz Ferrara, other initiatives are under consideration.
There is talk of a daily program on RAI-2 that will start immediately after the Tg up to midnight, conducted by the bishop of Grosseto, Bishop Babini, those who denounce the allegations as to the pedophile priests were a Zionist campaign, or who claimed to be Islam "a just punishment of the Lord in front of our laziness of Christians who do not know to defend our identity religious, or even that, with regard to homosexuals, said: "A subject that makes me shudder to talk," calling homosexuality "abhorrent" and "an unnatural vice."
The transmission will be called "Torquemada" and place as a seat of the Holy Inquisition live, with phones and mobiles.
will select some heretics, witches or suppositories Assorted or blasphemous. The study is the meticulous reconstruction of a basement of the convent of Santa Cruz in Segovia, with all the instruments of torture in the past, face the cage with live mice to the Virgin of Nuremberg, or dislocate his arms to the press.
In the spectacular environment, which will have nothing to envy to the models of Vespa, the contestants will be subjected to rigorous questioning by a panel of VIP, assisted by real killers Balkan and former Argentine general (the latter for an agreement with the natives viewers ) and must withstand the physical demands as much as possible before admitting their faults and we will also be a mechanism in part, a sort of bonus that can acquire real or alleged complicity in calling their accomplices or supporters, with links to studies and special envoys provided with whips, clamps and assorted hot irons to start with a nice truck "memento mori" painted in black and gold, for questioning at the home of Lightning reported.
Particularly appealing are the sessions in the confessional, electrified on chairs or hanging from the ceiling. Who will be eliminated from the TV voting will be eliminated in all respects, with only one option available to date sfangarla and be imprisoned for life in a makeshift camp host, the Judgement of God
The competitor may in fact, extreme chance, face suplizio a choice : To be tied in a sack with a millstone and thrown into the water (be prepared for that purpose in terms of underwater HD, Dolby 3D senssurround) or will swallow molten lead and survive, or timeless piece de résistance, walking barefoot for 300 meters across the coals, smiling and singing songs Apicella.
Other television projects include a version of "Who has Viewed" where, thanks to anonymous whistleblowers, it tries to locate the graffiti artist who once wrote bad things about Berlusconi, or who, protected by the cowardly crowd, he shouted bad words at the government or even more simply, subscribers to the Republic, Espresso and everyday occurrence. Other
transmission site is "We're making history," which highlights historical events will be revisited in the light of history finally separated from the outdated Marxist. David Irving, assisted by young graduates in history at the University of Don Verzè (courses flash of only 10 months) strorico reveal the origins of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, bringing to reality, their undoubted merits, will show that it is not true that 6 million Jews died in concentration camps, only that they were hidden to make a scherzino to Kapo and still no one has told them that the war is over. An expanded version of, say, the Japanese islands in the Pacific.
Another counter-investigation will clarify the background of the adventure of the Thousand, to reveal to the public without actually Garibaldi had promised the restoration of a brother near Selinunte Baglio had inherited from an elderly Republican of Nice, but the practical the release of the renovation works had been stalled at the technical office of Calatafimi, one thing leads and Finel situation got out of hand, as we have seen.
Finally, for fans of science could not miss the controaltare to the relativistic transmission Bolshevik nepotistic behavior from that of Piero Angela.
John Cacioppo, suitably re-educated to remove those last remnants of scientific consistency, will guide viewers to the good side of science, facts and figures showing how absurd it is still argue that we men can have nothing to do with the stupid and vicious monkeys.
Or how in the evidence of all that is the sun, which revolves around the head, and not vice versa, we were we, in turn, voleremmo away, no? and then, 'What is that the earth is round, but please ...
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