arrive at the office this morning and checking the newspaper
find this
I immediately thought the screening of 'El Murderer Room 164', a documentary by Gianfranco Rosi months ago I attended the Nuovo Sacher.
I thought about what he told the murderess on how the drug traffickers have held a car infallible, fully rooted in the social and cultural whole of Mexico, and beyond.
I thought about how, at some point in the documentary, the same murderess, hundreds of executions, change seems to give voice and he speaks of what he has done and seen it done to women. The same
Gianfranco Rosi in the room, told us how that change of tone has also impressed him during the interview.
I thought this girl of twenty-eight, police commander of one of the most violent in Mexico.
disappearance on March 2.
I am a prayer.
The documentary is awesome, a fixed shot, definitely not fun.
Tell worst torture to which they subject other people like us. Share how
next we can construct a different reality, fully functional and coordinated with ours, which we can escape from at all times and thrown worst nightmare, something that a citizen like me do not even want to imagine.
Watch the documentary and think Stefano Cucchi, Federico Aldovrandi, to Diaz.
Ask yourself if these were only isolated cases spokes of a wheel that continues to build and go in that direction.
Think ritrovarvici below.
If you are afraid, think about Marisol.
And even if you are a prayer, not only for her to be deceived.
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