"According to the World Economic Forum (2010) Italy in the female is disastrously, tragically behind. Italian women have to '87esimo place in the world for participation in paid work; 121esimo to pay in terms of equality ; the 97th to the presence in positions of administrative responsibility and control, to 74th in the overall treatment of women, behind Vietnam. Colombia and Peru. "
I was hoping there, years ago that women could be the protagonists of a progressive resurgence. Not so much a hypothetical female superiority, which honestly I never believed (as in fact I never believed a male superiority) As for the incazzatura resulting from the sedimentation of centuries of oppression and gained an awareness of their rights. Instead
are years, and many now that I see to be reabsorbed into the formalism most of the female gender. The first women to agree to be boxed in a certain way.
have surrendered to the aesthetic pre-sexual revolution, we are now even to the revaluation of prostitution as a way to make a career, or gain a place in the sun.
not see anywhere a hint for a boycott of goods using any reference to women's sexual drives as a vehicle merchant.
I hoped that we would be swept away like dead leaves, but obviously we boys we were so successful in publicizing the image of a male in crisis, fragile, weak, sensitive, too accustomed to shaving, physical and mental, at least as perceived image that seems so small is less abusive, threatening, violent, and not attached to the preservation of our privileges, our privileges.
Probably winning the vision for which, emptied of all essence, we exist only play a socially apparent, as a projection of what one believes and says it should be.
Lost concreteness of having substantive ideas, needs, desires, affections, we live life in a way schizophrenic reality of submission depressed and apathetic, but with his head in a virtual reality where the roles are standardized by certain mass media.
Those roles that take place well in contemporary literature, which is advertising, men and women's perfume, or efficient, witty, interchangeable, uninhibited, brisk. Nonexistent.
In other words, there's the battle of the sexes because men and women have disappeared, replaced by Barbie and Ken, whose libido is focused on owning something or someone, rather than on being set in.
Everything passes, including the empowerment of women through the change that I believe necessary, cultural, linguistic, mental, that is to pass from this hangover of a low concrete polished but not cynical. Why I would like, all right, that women have in fact recognized their rights, but even more pressing that we all may be, in full, persons employed. Regardless of the gamete.
It must not succumb to all points of view, to be again. Because according to the old dilemma, having or being, we are not only more, but even we have something. And we must learn to say, to ask to get it.
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