I read in the newspaper the last exit of Ecclestone, owner of Formula 1:
"Grand Prix boring? artificial rain."
Just, the 38th scrotal tissues around your kneecaps are already at height? The mammary glands tickle your toes? Now you have become one with the couch? No problem, thinks Uncle Bernie.
genius has thought a great way to liven up the boring dell'autopista Polystil is one for which, without notice, automatically turns on the sprinkler to turn deadly, so the fireball gets there nice and quiet with slick tires shatters on the guard rail, even better if some pickled sheet some unsuspecting viewer. In the other study
other variables to make perky GP: Grand Prix
Pamplona. If the show languishes, you are on track to enter the famous bulls chase the car, causing some nice spin that move the show internationally.
Grand Prix of Ivrea. A team of Ivrea is hidden in some of apposterà chicane and all'appropinquarsi pilots will begin to target full of juicy oranges, to see how he does. Probably also the development of a competition, with the winner to be unleashed he hits citrus.
Grand Prix of Baghdad. Umpteenth lap will enter a mysterious machine, all black, in the case of crowded in curva, si farà esplodere vicina alle altre, dando una simpatica diradata ai concorrenti.
Gran Premio di Pechino. Durante lo svolgimento della gara, improvvisamente, da una porta nascosta, alcuni militari faranno attraversare la pista ad alcuni prigionieri politici bendati. Sarà cura dei militari aspettare che sopraggiunga qualcuno, altrimenti sarebbe una cosa priva di senso. Già previste alcune contestazioni da parte di organizzazioni umanitarie, rapidamente tacitate con il taglio di ogni collegamento internet.
Fran Premio di roncobilaccio. Alternativo all'itinerario autostradale normale, verrà attivato casualmente uno svincolo per autotreni, dirottandoli sul circuito della gara. I piloti si ritroveranno quindi imbottigliati columns of Tir in Bulgarian, with a nice effect controesodo. Great satisfaction of the public who will finally see those sboroni pilots also submitted them to the drama engorgement.
Grand Prix Arcore. At the first stop will be replaced by some pilots escort, tissue paper, assorted Brazilian whores which, of course, will never be able to drive a monster with ten thousand horses. The restarts will be hilarious (foreseen with Paperissima) with the ailerons to crush the legs of the mechanics.
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